
By joining AAUW, you belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance. We invite you to become part of our team.

AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.

Full members hold an Associate or higher degree from an accredited school or a certificate degree — these members can participate in branch leadership. College/higher education students can join at a discount. Friends of the Branch who may not have a degree are welcome to participate in all activities at the local level.

Current dues for regular members are $100 per year allocated for the national ($72), state ($10) and local ($18) levels to support our goals and activities.

Undergraduates or degree-seeking graduates enrolled in full-time or part-time programs can join AAUW at a special low rate of $18.81 and enjoy a range of benefits to help them succeed on campus and after graduation.

Members can get involved in the following areas:

  • Fundraising activities such as the Mermen of Anacortes contest
  • STEM awards
  • Tech Trek summer camp for 7th grade girls
  • Website and social media management
  • Publicity
  • Scholarships
  • Technology – hybrid meetings
  • Monthly speakers

Because AAUW is a 501(c)(4) charitable membership organization, most of your national dues are tax deductible on your personal federal income tax return.  Our branch is affiliated with the Anacortes Schools Foundation in order to offer tax deductions for scholarship donations.

If you have questions about membership, please contact us at
