Be sure to read the monthly newsletter for specific dates, times and location. Many events and meetings will be offered in a hybrid Zoom & in-person format.
The public is invited to attend the educational and informative General Meetings. Unless otherwise stated, the monthly AAUW-Anacortes General Meeting location is Anacortes Public Library Meeting Room at 1220 10th St. or via Zoom.
Please note that there are no General Meetings during the months of July, and August.
General Meetings begin with Hospitality at 6:45 p.m., and the program begins at 7:00 p.m. Minutes from each meeting are posted in the monthly newsletter. All newsletters are archived in the Members Only section of this website.
General Meetings 2024/25
September 12, 2024 – Member Meeting – Goal Setting
October 10, 2024: Tech Trek Participants
Several 8th grade students from area schools will relate their experiences at the one-week Tech Trek experience that was conducted via Zoom this year.
November 14, 2024: Book Talk – Banned Books
Moderator: Linda Hendrick
For the last 35 years, one of our general meetings has been a ‘book talk’. Skagit Valley College Librarian, Linda Hendrick, leads this unique and popular event. Each year a different topic is selected by Linda and members are asked to read a book on that topic. At the meeting, Linda provides a hand-out with information on the topic, including a bibliography, and each hand-out has a different quote on the topic. Members are asked to read their quote before talking about their book. Topics in the past have included: women in the workplace, family, gardening, autobiographies, mysteries, humor and cookbooks.
December 12, 2024: Christmas Social Zoom Meeting
January 9, 2025: Dr. Terri Lomax, Professor and Vice Chancellor Emerita, North Carolina State University, Board Member and Consultant
Dr. Lomax’s presentation will describe her journey from an undergraduate at the University of Washington to directing large research programs in academia, government, and private non-profit institutions. Throughout that journey she has been privileged to travel to many countries and to send experiments to space (space tomatoes anyone?). She will also describe her efforts in developing partnerships and thriving innovation ecosystems to create economic growth.
February 13, 2025: Bridging the Generation Gaps to Build a Better Future
Have you ever wondered about the way different generations view the world? Join us as we look at the ways we are shaped by the history of our generation and begin the conversations that will help us build bridges and appreciation for those who view the world differently. This meeting will be held at the Anacortes Public Library on February 13 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will also be streamed online. To obtain a zoom link, please email
March 13, 2025: Underwater Photography by Audrey Garbacik
April 10, 2025: TBA
May 8, 2025: TBA
June 12, 2025: STEM and Scholarship Awards
Our June meeting is dedicated to the three Anacortes High School senior girls honored by the Washington State STEM Scholar Recognition Program. Awards are granted to girls achieving in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
In addition, we will recognize the scholarship recipients who are in an undergraduate degree program, a vocational certification program, or planning to take courses beyond the undergraduate level in preparation for an advanced degree.